Source code for msl.qt.loop_until_abort

Repeatedly perform a task until aborted by the user.
import datetime
import traceback

from . import Qt
from . import QtCore
from . import QtGui
from . import QtWidgets
from . import application
from . import prompt

[docs]class LoopUntilAbort(object): def __init__(self, *, loop_delay=0, max_iterations=None, single_shot=False, title=None, bg_color='#DFDFDF', text_color='#20548B', font_family='Helvetica', font_size=14): """Repeatedly perform a task until aborted by the user. This class provides an interface to show the status of a task (e.g., read a sensor value and write the value to a file) that you want to perform for an unknown period of time (e.g., during lunch or overnight) and you want to stop the task whenever you return. It can be regarded as a way to tell your program to *"get as much data as possible until I get back"*. The following example illustrates how to repeatedly write data to a file in a loop: .. literalinclude:: ../../msl/examples/qt/ Examples -------- To run the above example enter the following:: >>> from msl.examples.qt import LoopExample # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop = LoopExample() # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop.start() # doctest: +SKIP Another example which uses *single-shot* mode:: >>> from msl.examples.qt import LoopExampleSleep # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop = LoopExampleSleep() # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop.start() # doctest: +SKIP Parameters ---------- loop_delay : :class:`int`, optional The delay time, in milliseconds, to wait between successive calls to the :meth:`loop` method. For example, if `loop_delay` = ``0`` then there is no time delay between successive calls to the :meth:`loop` method; if `loop_delay` = ``1000`` then wait 1 second between successive calls to the :meth:`loop` method. max_iterations : :class:`int`, optional The maximum number of times to call the :meth:`loop` method. The default value is :data:`None`, which means to loop until the user aborts the program. single_shot : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to call the :meth:`loop` method once (and only once). If you specify the value to be :data:`True` then you must call the :meth:`loop_once` method in the subclass whenever you want to run the :meth:`loop` one more time. This is useful if the :meth:`loop` depends on external factors (e.g., waiting for an oscilloscope to download a trace after a trigger event) and the amount of time that the :meth:`loop` requires to complete is not known. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow`. If :data:`None` then uses the name of the subclass as the title. bg_color : :class:`QtGui.QColor`, optional The background color of the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow`. Can be any data type and value that the constructor of a :class:`QtGui.QColor` accepts. text_color : :class:`QtGui.QColor`, optional The color of the **Elapsed time** and **Iteration** text.Can be any data type and value that the constructor of a :class:`QtGui.QColor` accepts. font_family : :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font family to use for the text. Can be any value that the constructor of a :class:`QtGui.QFont` accepts. font_size : :class:`int`, optional The font size of the text. """ self._iteration = 0 self._loop_error = False self._start_time = None self._loop_delay = loop_delay self._single_shot = single_shot self._max_iterations = int(max_iterations) if max_iterations else None self._app = application() self._central_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() bg_hex_color = QtGui.QColor(bg_color).name() self._central_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background:{bg_hex_color};') self._main_window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() self._main_window.setCentralWidget(self._central_widget) self._main_window.closeEvent = self._shutdown if title is None: title = self.__class__.__name__ self._main_window.setWindowTitle(title) self._main_window.setWindowFlags( Qt.WindowType.WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt.WindowType.WindowMinimizeButtonHint) font = QtGui.QFont(font_family, pointSize=font_size) text_hex_color = QtGui.QColor(text_color).name() self._elapsed_time_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self._elapsed_time_label.setFont(font) self._elapsed_time_label.setStyleSheet(f'color:{text_hex_color};') self._iteration_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self._iteration_label.setFont(font) self._iteration_label.setStyleSheet(f'color:{text_hex_color};') self._user_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self._user_label.setFont(font) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._elapsed_time_label) vbox.addWidget(self._iteration_label) vbox.addWidget(self._user_label) vbox.setStretchFactor(self._user_label, 1) self._central_widget.setLayout(vbox) self._elapsed_time_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._elapsed_time_timer.timeout.connect(self._update_elapsed_time_label) # noqa: timeout.connect self._loop_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._loop_timer.timeout.connect(self._call_loop) # noqa: timeout.connect @property def current_time(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: The current time.""" return @property def elapsed_time(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: The elapsed time since the :meth:`loop` started.""" return self.current_time - self._start_time @property def iteration(self): """:class:`int`: The number of times that the :meth:`loop` method has been called.""" return self._iteration @property def loop_delay(self): """:class:`int`: The time delay, in milliseconds, between successive calls to the :meth:`loop`.""" return self._loop_delay @property def loop_timer(self): """:class:`QtCore.QTimer`: The reference to the :meth:`loop`\'s timer.""" return self._loop_timer @property def main_window(self): """:class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow`: The reference to the main window.""" return self._main_window @property def max_iterations(self): """:class:`int` or :data:`None`: The maximum number of times that the :meth:`loop` will be called.""" return self._max_iterations @property def start_time(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: The time when the :meth:`loop` started.""" return self._start_time @property def user_label(self): """:class:`QtWidgets.QLabel`: The reference to the label object that the user can modify the text of. See Also -------- :meth:`set_label_text` To set the text of the :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel`. """ return self._user_label
[docs] def cleanup(self): """This method gets called when the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow` is closing. You can override this method to properly clean up any tasks. For example, to close a file that is open. """ pass
[docs] def loop(self): """The task to perform in a loop. .. attention:: You **MUST** override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError("You must override the 'loop' method.")
[docs] def loop_once(self): """Run the :meth:`loop` method once. This method should be called if the :class:`LoopUntilAbort` class was initialized with `single_shot` = :data:`True`, in order to run the :meth:`loop` method one more time. """ if not self._loop_timer: raise RuntimeError('The loop timer has stopped') if not self._loop_timer.isSingleShot(): self._stop_timers() raise RuntimeError('Single shots are not enabled') self._loop_timer.start(0)
[docs] def set_label_text(self, text): """Update the text of the label that the user has access to. Parameters ---------- text : :class:`str` The text to display in the user-accessible label. See Also -------- :meth:`user_label` For the reference to the :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel` object. """ self._user_label.setText(text)
[docs] def set_status_bar_text(self, text): """Set the text to display in the status bar of the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow`. Parameters ---------- text : :class:`str` The text to display in the status bar of the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow`. """ self._main_window.statusBar().showMessage(text)
[docs] def start(self): """Show the :class:`QtWidgets.QMainWindow` and start looping.""" self._start_time = self.current_time s = self._start_time.strftime('%d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S') self.set_status_bar_text('Started ' + s) self._update_elapsed_time_label() self._update_iteration_label() self._loop_delay = max(0, int(self._loop_delay)) if not self._single_shot else 0 if self._loop_delay > 0: self._call_loop() self._loop_timer.setSingleShot(self._single_shot) self._loop_timer.start(self._loop_delay) self._elapsed_time_timer.start(1000) self._app.exec()
def _call_loop(self): """Call the loop method once.""" if self._is_max_reached(): self._stop_timers() msg = f'Maximum number of iterations reached ({self._iteration})' self.set_status_bar_text(msg) prompt.information(msg) else: self._iteration += 1 try: self.loop() except: # noqa: using bare 'except' msg = 'The following exception occurred in the loop() method:\n\n' prompt.critical(msg + traceback.format_exc()) self._loop_error = True self._stop_timers() err_time = self.current_time.strftime('%d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S') self.set_status_bar_text('Error occurred on ' + err_time) else: self._update_iteration_label() def _cleanup(self): """Wraps the cleanup method in a try-except block.""" try: self.cleanup() except: # noqa: using bare 'except' msg = 'The following exception occurred in the cleanup() method:\n\n' prompt.critical(msg + traceback.format_exc()) self._stop_timers() def _is_max_reached(self): """Whether the maximum number of iterations was reached""" return self._max_iterations is not None and self._iteration == self._max_iterations def _shutdown(self, event): """Abort the loop""" # check that it is okay to abort if not self._is_max_reached() and not self._loop_error: if not prompt.yes_no('Are you sure that you want to abort the loop?'): # check again whether max_iterations was reached while the prompt window was displayed if self._is_max_reached(): prompt.information('The maximum number of iterations was already reached.\n' 'Loop already aborted.') event.ignore() return self._stop_timers() self._cleanup() event.accept() def _stop_timers(self): """Stop and delete the timers.""" if self._loop_timer: self._loop_timer.stop() self._loop_timer = None if self._elapsed_time_timer: self._elapsed_time_timer.stop() self._elapsed_time_timer = None def _update_elapsed_time_label(self): """update the 'Elapsed time' label""" dt = self.elapsed_time hours, remainder = divmod(dt.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) base = f'Elapsed time {hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}' if dt.days == 0: self._elapsed_time_label.setText(base) elif dt.days == 1: self._elapsed_time_label.setText(f'{base} (+1 day)') else: self._elapsed_time_label.setText(f'{base} (+{dt.days} days)') def _update_iteration_label(self): """update the `Iteration` label""" self._iteration_label.setText(f'Iteration {self._iteration}')