Source code for msl.qt.prompt

Convenience functions to prompt the user.

The following functions create a dialog window to either notify the user of an
event that happened or to request information from the user.
import traceback

from . import Qt
from . import QtWidgets
from . import application
from . import binding
from .convert import to_qfont

[docs]def critical(message, *, title=None, font=None): """Display a `critical` message in a dialog window. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` or :class:`Exception` The message to display. The message can use HTML/CSS markup, for example, ``'<html>A <p style="color:red;font-size:18px"><i>critical</i></p> error occurred!</html>'`` title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). """ if isinstance(message, Exception): message = traceback.format_exc() app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) mb.exec()
[docs]def double(message, *, title=None, font=None, value=0, minimum=-2147483647, maximum=2147483647, step=1, decimals=2): """Request a double-precision value (a Python :class:`float` data type). Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message that is shown to the user to describe what the value represents. The message can use HTML/CSS markup, for example, ``'<html>Enter a mass, in &mu;g</html>'`` title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). value : :class:`float`, optional The initial value. minimum : :class:`float`, optional The minimum value that the user can enter. maximum : :class:`float`, optional The maximum value that the user can enter. step : :class:`float`, optional The step size by which the value is increased and decreased. decimals : :class:`int`, optional The number of digits that are displayed after the decimal point. Returns ------- :class:`float` or :data:`None` The value or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, dialog = _input_dialog(title=title, message=message, font=font) dialog.setInputMode(QtWidgets.QInputDialog.InputMode.DoubleInput) dialog.setDoubleRange(minimum, maximum) dialog.setDoubleStep(step) dialog.setDoubleDecimals(decimals) dialog.setDoubleValue(value) ok = dialog.exec() return dialog.doubleValue() if ok else None
[docs]def filename(*, title='Select File', directory=None, filters=None, multiple=False): """Request to select the file(s) to open. Parameters ---------- title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. directory : :class:`str`, optional The initial directory to start in. filters : :class:`str`, :class:`list` of :class:`str` or :class:`dict`, optional Only filenames that match the specified `filters` are shown. Examples:: 'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)' 'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)' ['Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)', 'Text files (*.txt)', 'XML files (*.xml)'] {'Images': ('*.png', '*.xpm', '*.jpg'), 'Text files': '*.txt'} multiple : :class:`bool`, optional Whether multiple files can be selected. Returns ------- :class:`str`, :class:`list` of :class:`str` or :data:`None` The name(s) of the file(s) to open or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) filters = _get_file_filters(filters) if multiple: if title == 'Select File': title += 's' name, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(app.activeWindow(), title, directory, filters) else: name, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(app.activeWindow(), title, directory, filters) return name if name else None
[docs]def folder(*, title='Select Folder', directory=None): """Request to select an existing folder or to create a new folder. Parameters ---------- title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. directory : :class:`str`, optional The initial directory to start in. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :data:`None` The name of the selected folder or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(app.activeWindow(), title, directory) return name if name else None
[docs]def information(message, *, title=None, font=None): """Display an `information` message in a dialog window. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` or :class:`Exception` The message to display. The message can use HTML/CSS markup, for example, ``'<html>The temperature is 21.3 &deg;C</html>'`` title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). """ if isinstance(message, Exception): message = traceback.format_exc() app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Information) mb.exec()
[docs]def integer(message, *, title=None, font=None, value=0, minimum=-2147483647, maximum=2147483647, step=1): """Request an integer value. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message that is shown to the user to describe what the value represents. The message can use HTML/CSS markup, for example, ``'<html>Enter a mass, in &mu;g</html>'`` title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). value : :class:`int`, optional The initial value. minimum : :class:`int`, optional The minimum value that the user can enter. maximum : :class:`int`, optional The maximum value that the user can enter. step : :class:`int`, optional The step size by which the value is increased and decreased. Returns ------- :class:`int` or :data:`None` The value or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, dialog = _input_dialog(title=title, message=message, font=font) dialog.setInputMode(QtWidgets.QInputDialog.InputMode.IntInput) dialog.setIntRange(minimum, maximum) dialog.setIntStep(step) dialog.setIntValue(value) ok = dialog.exec() return dialog.intValue() if ok else None
[docs]def item(message, items, *, title=None, font=None, index=0): """Request an item from a list of items. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message that is shown to the user to describe what the list of items represent. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. items : :class:`list` or :class:`tuple` The list of items to choose from. The items can be of any data type. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). index : :class:`int`, optional The index of the initial item that is selected. Returns ------- The selected item or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. Notes ----- The data type of the selected item is preserved. For example, if `items` = ``[1, 2.0, 2+3j, 'hello', b'world', True, QtWidgets.QPushButton]`` and the user selects the ``2+3j`` item then a :class:`complex` data type is returned. """ items_ = [str(i) for i in items] app, dialog = _input_dialog(title=title, message=message, font=font) dialog.setComboBoxItems(items_) dialog.setTextValue(items_[index]) dialog.setComboBoxEditable(False) dialog.setInputMethodHints(Qt.InputMethodHint.ImhNone) ok = dialog.exec() return items[items_.index(dialog.textValue())] if ok else None
[docs]def comments(*, path=None, title=None, even_row_color='#FFFFFF', odd_row_color='#EAF2F8'): """Ask the user to enter comments. Opens a :class:`QtWidgets.QDialog` to allow for a user to enter comments about a task that they are performing. The dialog provides a table of all the previous comments that have been used. Comments that are in the table can be deleted by selecting the desired row(s) and pressing the ``Delete`` key or the comment in a row can be selected by double-clicking on a row. This function is useful when acquiring data, and you want to include comments about how the data was acquired. Using a prompt to enter comments forces you to enter a new comment (or use a previous comment) every time you acquire data rather than having the comments in a for example, :class:`QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit`, which you might forget to update before acquiring the next data set. .. _JSON: Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str`, optional The path to a JSON_ file that contains the history of the comments that have been used. If :data:`None` then the default file is used. The file will automatically be created if it does not exist. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. even_row_color The background color of the even-numbered rows in the history table. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. odd_row_color The background color of the odd-numbered rows in the history table. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. Returns ------- :class:`str` The comment that was entered. """ # import here since there are circular import errors if you import at the module level from .widgets.comments import Comments app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) nh = Comments(path, title, even_row_color, odd_row_color) nh.exec() return nh.text()
[docs]def save(*, title='Save As', directory=None, filters=None, options=None): """Request to enter the name of a file to save. Parameters ---------- title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. directory : :class:`str`, optional The initial directory to start in. filters : :class:`str`, :class:`list` of :class:`str` or :class:`dict`, optional Only filenames that match the specified `filters` are shown. Examples:: 'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)' 'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)' ['Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)', 'Text files (*.txt)', 'XML files (*.xml)'] {'Images': ('*.png', '*.xpm', '*.jpg'), 'Text files': '*.txt'} options : `QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option <>`_, optional Specify additional options on how to run the dialog. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :data:`None` The name of the file to save or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) filters = _get_file_filters(filters) if options is None: name, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(app.activeWindow(), title, directory, filters) else: name, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(app.activeWindow(), title, directory, filters, options=options) return name if name else None
[docs]def text(message, *, title=None, font=None, value='', multi_line=False, echo=QtWidgets.QLineEdit.EchoMode.Normal): """Request text. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message that is shown to the user to describe what the list of items represent. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). value : :class:`str`, optional The initial value. multi_line : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the entered text can span multiple lines. echo : :class:`int` or `QLineEdit.EchoMode <>`_, optional The echo mode for the text value. Useful if requesting a password. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :data:`None` The text that the user entered or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ app, dialog = _input_dialog(title=title, message=message, font=font) dialog.setTextValue(value) dialog.setInputMethodHints(Qt.InputMethodHint.ImhNone) if multi_line: dialog.setOption(QtWidgets.QInputDialog.InputDialogOption.UsePlainTextEditForTextInput) else: dialog.setTextEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.EchoMode(echo)) ok = dialog.exec() return dialog.textValue().strip() if ok else None
[docs]def password(message, *, title=None, font=None): """Request a password. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message that is shown to the user to describe what the list of items represent. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). Returns ------- :class:`str` or :data:`None` The password or :data:`None` if the user cancelled the request. """ return text(message, title=title, font=font, echo=QtWidgets.QLineEdit.EchoMode.Password)
[docs]def warning(message, *, title=None, font=None): """Display a `warning` message in a dialog window. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` or :class:`Exception` The message to display. The message can use HTML/CSS markup, for example, ``'<html>A <p style="color:yellow">warning</p>...</html>'`` title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). """ if isinstance(message, Exception): message = traceback.format_exc() app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mb.exec()
[docs]def ok_cancel(message, *, title=None, font=None, default=True): """Ask for a response to a message where the logical options are ``Ok`` or ``Cancel``. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message to ask the user. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). default : :class:`bool`, optional The answer to be selected by default. If :data:`True` then ``Ok`` is the default answer, otherwise ``Cancel`` is the default answer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` or :data:`None` :data:`True` if the user answered ``Ok``, :data:`None` if the user answered ``Cancel``. """ ok = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok cancel = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Question) mb.setStandardButtons(ok | cancel) mb.setDefaultButton(ok if default else cancel) response = mb.exec() if _equal(response, ok): return True return None
[docs]def yes_no(message, *, title=None, font=None, default=True): """Ask for a response to a message where the logical options are ``Yes`` or ``No``. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message to ask the user. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). default : :class:`bool`, optional The answer to be selected by default. If :data:`True` then ``Yes`` is the default answer, otherwise ``No`` is the default answer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` :data:`True` if the user answered ``Yes``, :data:`False` if the user answered ``No``. """ yes = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes no = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.No app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Question) mb.setStandardButtons(yes | no) mb.setDefaultButton(yes if default else no) response = mb.exec() return _equal(response, yes)
[docs]def yes_no_cancel(message, *, title=None, font=None, default=True): """Ask for a response to a message where the logical options are ``Yes``, ``No`` or ``Cancel``. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`str` The message to ask the user. The message can use HTML/CSS markup. title : :class:`str`, optional The text to display in the title bar of the dialog window. If :data:`None` then uses the text in the title bar of the active window. font : :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`tuple` or :class:`QtGui.QFont`, optional The font to use. If an :class:`int` then the point size, if a :class:`str` then the family name, if a :class:`tuple` then the (family name, point size). default : :class:`bool`, optional The answer to be selected by default. If :data:`True` then ``Yes`` is the default answer, if :data:`False` then ``No`` is the default answer, else if :data:`None` then ``Cancel`` is the default answer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` or :data:`None` :data:`True` if the user answered ``Yes``, :data:`False` if the user answered ``No``, or :data:`None` if the user answered ``Cancel``. """ yes = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes no = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.No cancel = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel app, mb = _message_box(title=title, message=message, font=font) mb.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Question) mb.setStandardButtons(yes | no | cancel) if default is None: mb.setDefaultButton(cancel) elif default: mb.setDefaultButton(yes) else: mb.setDefaultButton(no) response = mb.exec() if _equal(response, yes): return True elif _equal(response, no): return False return None
def _get_app_and_title(title): """Returns a tuple of the QApplication instance and the title bar text of the active window.""" app = application() if title is None: w = app.activeWindow() title = 'MSL' if w is None else w.windowTitle() return app, title def _input_dialog(*, title=None, message=None, font=None): app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) dialog = QtWidgets.QInputDialog(app.activeWindow(), flags=Qt.WindowType.WindowCloseButtonHint) dialog.setWindowTitle(title) dialog.setLabelText(message) if font: dialog.setFont(to_qfont(font)) return app, dialog def _message_box(*, title=None, message=None, font=None, buttons=None, default=None): app, title = _get_app_and_title(title) mb = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(app.activeWindow()) mb.setWindowTitle(title) mb.setText(message) if font: mb.setFont(to_qfont(font)) if buttons: mb.setStandardButtons(buttons) if default: mb.setDefaultButton(default) return app, mb def _get_file_filters(filters): """Make the `filters` value be in the appropriate syntax.""" def _check_extn(ex): """Check the format of the file extension.""" if ex is None: return all_files if '*' in ex: return ex if ex.startswith('.'): return f'*{ex}' return f'*.{ex}' all_files = 'All Files (*)' if filters is None: return all_files if isinstance(filters, dict): f = '' for name, extn in filters.items(): if isinstance(extn, (list, tuple)): extn = ' '.join(_check_extn(e) for e in extn) f += f'{name} ({extn});;' else: f += f'{name} ({_check_extn(extn)});;' return f[:-2] if isinstance(filters, (list, tuple)): return ';;'.join(f if f is not None else all_files for f in filters) if filters.endswith(';;'): # noqa: filters.endswith exists since it must be a string return filters[:-2] return filters def _equal(response, enum): """In PyQt6 all enums are implemented as an enum.Enum not enum.IntEnum""" if == 'PyQt6': return response == enum.value return response == enum