Source code for msl.qt.sleep

Sleep without freezing the graphical user interface.
import time

from .threading import Thread
from .threading import Worker

[docs]class SleepWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, seconds): """The :class:`~msl.qt.threading.Worker` class for :class:`Sleep`. Delays execution for a certain number of seconds without freezing the graphical user interface. Parameters ---------- seconds : :class:`float` The number of seconds to sleep for. """ super(SleepWorker, self).__init__() self.seconds = seconds
[docs] def process(self): """Calls :func:`time.sleep`.""" time.sleep(self.seconds)
[docs]class Sleep(Thread): def __init__(self): """Sleep without freezing the graphical user interface. The following example illustrates how one can use :class:`Sleep` and keep the GUI active: .. literalinclude:: ../../msl/examples/qt/ Example ------- To run this example enter the following:: >>> from msl.examples.qt import LoopExampleSleep # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop = LoopExampleSleep() # doctest: +SKIP >>> loop.start() # doctest: +SKIP """ super(Sleep, self).__init__(SleepWorker)