Source code for msl.qt.widgets.checkbox

A :class:`~QtWidgets.QCheckBox` with more options in the constructor.
from msl.qt import QtWidgets

[docs]class CheckBox(QtWidgets.QCheckBox): def __init__(self, *, checkable=True, initial=False, state_changed=None, text=None, tooltip=None, parent=None): """A :class:`~QtWidgets.QCheckBox` with more options in the constructor. Parameters ---------- checkable : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the checkbox can be (un)checked. initial : :class:`bool` or :attr:`Qt.CheckState`, optional The initial state of the checkbox. state_changed A callable function to use as a slot for the :meth:`~QtWidgets.QCheckBox.stateChanged` signal. text : :class:`str`, optional The text to display next to the checkbox. tooltip : :class:`str`, optional The tooltip to display for the checkbox. parent : :class:`~QtWidgets.QWidget`, optional The parent widget. """ super().__init__(text=text, parent=parent) if isinstance(initial, bool): self.setChecked(initial) else: self.setCheckState(initial) self.setCheckable(checkable) if state_changed: self.stateChanged.connect(state_changed) # noqa: QCheckBox.stateChanged if tooltip: self.setToolTip(tooltip)