Source code for msl.qt.widgets.combobox

A :class:`~QtWidgets.QComboBox` with more options in the constructor.
from .. import QtGui
from .. import QtWidgets

[docs]class ComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): def __init__(self, *, items=None, initial=None, index_changed=None, text_changed=None, tooltip=None, parent=None): """A :class:`~QtWidgets.QComboBox` with more options in the constructor. Parameters ---------- items : :class:`str`, :class:`list` of :class:`str`, :class:`dict`, optional The item(s) to add to the combobox. If a :class:`str`, then adds the single item. If a :class:`list`, then adds all items. If a :class:`dict`, then the keys are the text of each item and the values can either be a :class:`~QtGui.QIcon` to use as the icon or any other type to use as the `userData` parameter. To specify both an icon and `userData` for an item the values can be of type :class:`tuple`, e.g., (icon, `userData`). initial : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional The index or text of the item to initially display. This value is set before the slots are registered. index_changed A callable function to use as a slot for the :meth:`~QtWidgets.QComboBox.currentIndexChanged` signal. text_changed A callable function to use as a slot for the :meth:`~QtWidgets.QComboBox.currentTextChanged` signal. tooltip : :class:`str`, optional The tooltip to display for the combobox. parent : :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`, optional The parent widget. """ super(ComboBox, self).__init__(parent=parent) if items: if isinstance(items, str): self.addItem(items) elif isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): self.addItems(items) elif isinstance(items, dict): for key, value in items.items(): if isinstance(value, QtGui.QIcon): self.addItem(value, key) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): icon, data = None, None for item in value: if isinstance(item, QtGui.QIcon): icon = item else: data = item if icon: self.addItem(icon, key, userData=data) else: self.addItem(key, userData=data) else: self.addItem(key, userData=value) else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported type {type(items)} for 'items' parameter") if initial: if isinstance(initial, int): self.setCurrentIndex(initial) else: self.setCurrentText(initial) if index_changed: self.currentIndexChanged.connect(index_changed) # noqa: QComboBox.currentIndexChanged if text_changed: self.currentTextChanged.connect(text_changed) # noqa: QComboBox.currentTextChanged if tooltip: self.setToolTip(tooltip)