Source code for msl.qt.widgets.toggle_switch

A toggle switch :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`.
from .. import Qt
from .. import QtCore
from .. import QtGui
from .. import QtWidgets
from .. import convert
from .. import utils

[docs]class ToggleSwitch(QtWidgets.QAbstractButton): def __init__(self, *, height=None, initial=False, on_color='#009688', off_color='#B4B4B4', parent=None, toggled=None, tooltip=None): """A toggle switch, |toggle_switch|, :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget` .. |toggle_switch| image:: ../../docs/_static/toggle_switch.gif :scale: 40 % Parameters ---------- height : :class:`int`, optional The height, in pixels, of the toggle switch. initial : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the toggle switch is initially in the on (:data:`True`) or off (:data:`False`) state. on_color The color when the :class:`ToggleSwitch` is on. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. off_color The color when the :class:`ToggleSwitch` is off. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. parent : :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`, optional The parent widget. toggled A callable function to use as a slot for the :meth:`~QtWidgets.QAbstractButton.toggled` signal. tooltip : :class:`str`, optional The tooltip to use for the :class:`ToggleSwitch`. Example ------- To view an example with the :class:`ToggleSwitch` run:: >>> from msl.examples.qt import toggle_switch >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ super(ToggleSwitch, self).__init__(parent=parent) if height is None: self._height = int(utils.screen_geometry(self).height() * 0.03) else: self._height = int(height) self._off_brush = None self._on_brush = None self._pad = 4 self.setCheckable(True) self.setChecked(initial) self.set_on_color(on_color) self.set_off_color(off_color) if tooltip: self.setToolTip(tooltip) if toggled: self.toggled.connect(toggled) # noqa: QAbstractButton.toggled @property def is_on(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether the :class:`ToggleSwitch` is on or off.""" return self.isChecked()
[docs] def off_color(self): """Get the color of the :class:`ToggleSwitch` when it is off. Returns ------- :class:`QtGui.QColor` The off color. """ return self._off_brush.color()
[docs] def set_off_color(self, color): """Set the color of the :class:`ToggleSwitch` when it is off. Parameters ------- color The color when the :class:`ToggleSwitch` is off. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. """ self._off_brush = QtGui.QBrush(convert.to_qcolor(color)) self.update()
[docs] def on_color(self): """Get the color of the :class:`ToggleSwitch` when it is on. Returns ------- :class:`QtGui.QColor` The on color. """ return self._on_brush.color()
[docs] def set_on_color(self, color): """Set the color of the :class:`ToggleSwitch` when it is on. Parameters ------- color The color when the :class:`ToggleSwitch` is on. See :func:`~.convert.to_qcolor` for details about the different data types that are supported. """ self._on_brush = QtGui.QBrush(convert.to_qcolor(color)) self.update()
[docs] def turn_off(self): """Turn the :class:`ToggleSwitch` off.""" if self.isChecked(): self.toggle()
[docs] def turn_on(self): """Turn the :class:`ToggleSwitch` on.""" if not self.isChecked(): self.toggle()
def enterEvent(self, event): """Overrides :meth:`QtWidgets.QWidget.enterEvent`.""" self.setCursor(Qt.CursorShape.PointingHandCursor) def paintEvent(self, event): """Overrides :meth:`QtWidgets.QWidget.paintEvent`.""" diameter = self._height - 2 * self._pad radius = diameter * 0.5 if self.isChecked(): brush = self._on_brush x = self.width() - diameter - self._pad opacity = 0.3 else: brush = self._off_brush x = self._pad opacity = 0.5 p = QtGui.QPainter(self) p.setPen(Qt.PenStyle.NoPen) p.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, True) ellipse = QtCore.QRect(x, self._pad, diameter, diameter) w = max(diameter, self.width() - 2 * self._pad) rect = QtCore.QRect(self._pad, self._pad, w, diameter) if self.isEnabled(): p.setBrush(brush) p.setOpacity(opacity) p.drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius) p.setOpacity(1.0) p.drawEllipse(ellipse) else: p.setBrush( p.setOpacity(0.12) p.drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius) p.setOpacity(1.0) p.setBrush(QtGui.QColor('#BDBDBD')) p.drawEllipse(ellipse) def sizeHint(self): """Overrides :meth:`QtWidgets.QWidget.sizeHint`.""" return QtCore.QSize(2 * (self._height + self._pad), self._height + 2 * self._pad)