Source code for msl.qt.utils

General functions.
import fnmatch
import logging

from . import QtGui
from . import application

__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

[docs]def drag_drop_paths(event, *, pattern=None): """Returns the list of file paths from a drag-enter or drop event. Parameters ---------- event : :class:`QtGui.QDragEnterEvent` or :class:`QtGui.QDropEvent` A drag-enter or drop event. pattern : :class:`str`, optional Include only the file paths that match the `pattern`. For example, to only include JPEG or JPG image files use ``'*.jp*g'``. See :func:`fnmatch.fnmatch`. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` The list of file paths. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): urls = event.mimeData().urls() paths = [url.toLocalFile() for url in urls if url.isValid() and url.scheme() == 'file'] if pattern is None: return paths return fnmatch.filter(paths, pattern) return []
[docs]def save_image(widget, path, *, quality=-1): """Save a widget to an image file. Parameters ---------- widget : :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget` The widget to save as an image. path : :class:`str` The file path to save the image to. The image format is chosen based on the file extension. quality : :class:`int`, optional The quality factor. Must be in the range 0 to 100 or -1. Specify 0 to obtain small compressed files, 100 for large uncompressed files, and -1 (the default) to use the default settings. Returns ------- :class:`QtGui.QPixmap` The `widget` as a pixmap object. """ pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(widget.size()) widget.render(pixmap) success = pixmap.toImage().save(path, quality=quality) if not success: raise OSError(f'Cannot save image to {path!r}') return pixmap
[docs]def screen_geometry(widget=None): """Get the geometry of a desktop screen. Parameters ---------- widget : :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`, optional Get the geometry of the screen that contains this widget. Returns ------- :class:`QtCore.QRect` If a `widget` is specified then the geometry of the screen that contains the `widget` otherwise returns the geometry of the primary screen (i.e., the screen where the main widget resides). """ if widget is None: return application().primaryScreen().geometry() handle = widget.window().windowHandle() if handle is not None: return handle.screen().geometry() parent = widget.parentWidget() if parent is not None: handle = parent.window().windowHandle() if handle is not None: return handle.screen().geometry() # then just ignore the QWidget return screen_geometry()